NetLimiter is the ultimate internet traffic control and monitoring tool designed for Win98/Win98 SE, WinME, Win2000 and WinXP. You can use NetLimiter to set download/upload transfer rate limits for applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic.
NetLimiter Pro 2.0.10 Download Pc
NetLimiter is an internet traffic control and monitoring tool for Windows. You can use the program to set download/upload transfer rate limits for different applications or even single connection and monitor their internet traffic.
NetLimiter is a software product from Locktime Software. It's focused on simplicity and ease to use.As a matter of fact, it was a very fast download (about 500k), and after a few seconds I could install it.With this simple program, you can detect which program is opening connections to which ports, in order to keep an eye on your ongoing and ingoing traffic, and sometimes to know which ports are needed to run which applications.At the first moment, a wizard comes to the screen, detecting the networks registered on your PC (IP ranges) and that's where you have to assign them to a specific 'zone': local or Internet. Thus, the traffic statistics can be correctly separated in the statistics module (only available in the pro version).In the main window, you can see the process list with their connections, with the ability for set a speed limit. Moreover, you can set a few options for the program like the connection speed.One important thing to know is that in the author's site, the reviewed version of this software (1.3) is old: the latest version of this product is 2.0.10, however you can still download the old version and even buy it.
NetLimiter is an Internet traffic control tool suited to monitor applications which access the Internet and actively control their Internet traffic. You can use it to set (download/upload) speed limits for applications or even single connection. Simply, it allows you to share your Internet connection bandwidth among all applications running on your PC.
I used NetLimiter 2 pro witch sucks... if it was possable I wold give it a 0 out of 5 but I'm going to give it a 1 sence it's the lowest option.I installed netlimiter 2 pro and it automatticly turned off all MY axcess to internet controlls.I uninstalled it thinking it would fix the problem but aparently it's stupid settings are ALWASEin effect witch is stupid because I didn't set them to not let me be online. I than FORMATTED my computer thinking it was just in the registory and that it would "refresh"it but when I finshedinstalling xp pro witch took 2 hours of my life the settings wer still in effectso I had to wait 2 days tell I could go to my friendsand download netlimiter 2 pro agaion andput it on a jump drive. when I got back home I installed NL2 and went through the help file fromtop to bottom looking for a way to make NL2's settingsinactave as if I never installed the stupidprogram but I couldn't find it instead I had to Limit EVERYprogram on my computer wat isn't what I wanted the program to do in the first place. I just wanted a way to see what Bandwith myprograms were useing and turn off the highest ones when I wasn't useing them...while I managed to get moast of my programs working I'm still clueless on how to get world of warcraftan online multiplayer game to work because it doesn't have a link in the dump program to let it work...I'm going to find a way to let WOW work and than uninstall the stupid trial version before the time runsout and not let me fix any other errors and if I wana buy other online games like Halo 2 and UnrealTordmant and install them they better ****ING work after NetLimiter 2 pro has been uninstalled.PS: sorry for spelling errors. I just hate this program so much I'm not going to bother to use spellcheak.
Drobná aplikácia po inštalácii zobrazí graf vyťaženosti aktuálneho pripojenia a ikonu v systémovej lište. Na grafe je zelenou farbou zobrazený upload a modrou farbou download. Údaje sú v KB/s, pričom ale program ukazuje o niekoľko percent viac, ako iné programy. V nastaveniach môžeme upraviť jednotky aj násobič (1KB=1024B, alebo nesprávne 1KB=1000B).
Položka Usage Statistics zobrazuje rôzne štatistiky pre jednotlivých používateľov PC, ale aj všetkých naraz. Na jednotlivých kartách nájdeme údaje o dnešných dátach, dátach od posledného resetu, denný výpis s grafom, ktorý disponuje prepínateľným zobrazením download+upload alebo download/upload pre jednotlivé dni, podobný týždenný a mesačný prehľad. Na ďalšej karte nájdeme štatistiku za nami zvolené obdobie. Nechýba ani hodinová štatistika a prehľad dát používateľov. Rozhranie je veľmi príjemné, množstvom dát ide o vhodný kompromis medzi základnými aplikáciami a napríklad veľmi rozšíreným Netlimiter Monitorom 2. 2ff7e9595c