Weight Watchers Freestyle Points, PointsPlus and SmartPoints values for the entire Bibibop menu are listed below. To view the full nutrition facts as well as Weight Watchers points, simply tap/click any menu item.
weight watchers points plus values for cafe yumm
Thank you for continuing to post Points Plus values. That system works best for me personally. I will always credit your recipes for a big part of my success in losing weight. Congratulations on the baby!
I am going to join weight watchers this week and I am excited!! I think the new program sounds good!! I am looking forward to making some of your recipes!! Thank you for sharing !! Best wishes on your baby!!
With the Weight Watchers Point System, every food you love can be part of the menu including sushi. It's about learning to manage your daily points budget and making smart choices from the option of sushi menu items that work for you and your weight loss.
It's always good to do some pre-planning before you arrive at the restaurant. Check with the WW App food list to verify the points values of your favorite sushi options so you have a game plan ahead of time.
You can save your weekly smart points whenever you need them, and you can take advantage of the weekly SmartPoints program to do so. They can be used in stages, or they can be used at a time. You have complete control over it. Because they cannot be carried over, you must either use or lose them in the coming week. If you go over your daily weight watchers points, you will automatically roll over up to 4 PersonalPoints values you do not use on a daily basis into your bank of weeklies. Rollover your funds on and off throughout the week, depending on your needs.
There is some confusion about whether tomatoes are zero points on weight watchers. Some people say that they are, while others say that they are not. The truth is that tomatoes are not zero points on weight watchers. However, they are low in points, and they can be a good choice for people who are trying to lose weight.
Pastas and noodles containing flour derived from legumes and whole grains will be ZeroPoint foods. For one cup of regular cooked pasta, you can get five PointsPlus points. It is best to make your diet whole-wheat or whole-grain pasta. Are carbs off the menu? Everything is included in the WW3 diet. Pasta is a fat-free, low-sodium food that can be used in almost any weight loss diet plan. One cup of cooked pasta contains approximately 100 calories. Hard-boiled eggs can be included in Weight Wat ZeroPoint food units as part of the WW Freestyle Program.
Skinny Pasta Konjac Pasta, a low-calorie pasta substitute made with natural fibers from the plant, is gluten-free and low in calories. Konjac, an all-natural plant fiber, has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels and lose weight. Skinny Pasta is also non-GMO, free of allergens, and free of additives, making it an excellent choice for those looking for a healthy diet and weight loss food. Whole grain pasta contains more fiber and nutritious foods than refined pasta. According to weightwatchers.com, a one-cup serving of regular pasta contains five PointsPlus points.
When you use Weight Watchers PointsPlus, you should select whole-grain pasta or spaghetti, as it contains more fiber and is more nutritious than refined pasta. WeightWatchers.com points to a point value of 5 for each cup of regular cooked pasta, which is a one-cup serving. How many points does pasta have in the weight loss plan? A serving of cooked pasta with 5 PointsPlus values and the same amount of whole wheat pasta has 4PointsPlus values. Is brown rice pasta zero points? Whole grains (such as brown rice) contain zero points, whereas refined grains (such as white rice) contain points. Is eating pasta in a Weight Loss program safe? Pasta can be ordered in a variety of ways on WW FreestyleTM. You can use your SmartPoints Budget (and your taste buds) to make your own recommendations.
What I can't seem to get across to everyone is that I can eat a soup that is 645 calories with a piece of bread plus a smoothie in the morning that is about 300 calories,lunch of cottage cheese and pineapple for a couple of hundred calories and use only 20 or so points. That is over 1000 calories and I still have 9 pts left. I could probably eat another 1000 calories and just use the 9 pts. I cannot lose weight on 2000 calories a day. Add to that the 49 points I have for the week and and "free fruit" and it's a problem. I have been on Points Plus since the first day. The first week I lost alot of weight and after that I have steadily gained it all back. I have always lost weight on WW and have always loved it and I embraced the change but it is not working for me. I logged all of my food, only ate my 29 daily points, got a few activity points but did not use them and did not eat any of my weeklies. I was so excited at the prospect of having a few more points (I used to only get 18)and finally getting to eat fruit, which I love. For those losing, good for you, it's great to lose weight but for those struggling with this program, I believe that the calories have a heck of a lot to do with it.
I agree with Becky. IT is terribly different and to tell long time or repeat users of WW that they should just "forget" the old plan is ridiculous. They've spent years and millions to ensure we all know our points values.
I also had some issues at first...but finally realized that the points were too much of my focus. I based my food choices only and what they cost in points. But then I finally got it...that they say you need eat 5 fruits or veggies, 2 lean protiens, the correct type of oil, and lots of power foods. So I started including the power foods in every part of my day...I am not the lover of fruit many are...so usually only have one or two a day...and add lots of veggies. Both my husband and I are on this and once we made the change to add the water, eat the food they told us FIRST....we started losing weight....and are much happier. I have only dipped into the a 49 extra points once...and that was for a birthday(extra 10)...and then back to normal eating and I lost as much that week as the week before. We are told in the meeting...if you are not getting the weight loss you want, adjust...add more vegtables. Make sure you are NOT including fruit juice or dried fruit as free....check your measuring...and adjust.
So great to find people struggling with the new PP program too. I had been steadily losing up until change. Now,I lose .8 then gain .8. Literally! Can't seem to lose and am becoming very discouraged. One of the women at my meetings is experiencing same issue. No weight loss since new plan. I should say that I do work out regularly (weights, zumba and groove) 4 - 5 days week and don't even calculate activity points anymore hoping that would help. Nope...it hasn't. Seriously thinking of going back to old method. Frustrating because I am only 10 lbs. from goal weight. ugh!
Although it's a bit too early to determine how I'll do, I LOVE the new program so far. A few years ago I lost 15 lbs on the momentum program so when I gained it back over the last 1 1/2 years I decided to go back to WW. I was somewhat taken back when I went to my first meeting and found out there was an entire new program but I had prepaid for 12 weeks so figured I better embrace it. After reading the material and using the program for less than I week I think I will really like it. On the old program I was often hungry, frustrated, and felt like I was on a DIET....I think this was mostly due to not eating properly. Although I lost weight I didn't really like their old philosophy.....I felt like they didn't care what you ate as long as it was within your allotted points....they pushed ANY low point foods even if they were processed and full of additives and trans fats. On the new program I eat more, feel satisfied, and don't feel like I'm on a diet. The new program really encourages good eating and feels like a program I could embrace as a lifestyle change rather than a diet. It's been less than a week so it will be interesting to see if I've lost anything. It's hard to believe I will lose as much weight as fast but I'm willing to give up a faster weight loss for a slower loss that I can maintain long term....time will tell!
I too have been on weight watchers for both programs. I lost weight under the old program by trusting the system and I continue to lose weight under the Points Plus by trusting the system. I find that I now eat more fruits and veggies instead of empty calorie, but low point processed foods than I did under the old system. I think this the new program encourages a more sensible, healthier approach to eating nutrient dense food and not just eating low calorie food. WW is in the business of helping people lose weight, it in their best interest to provide us with the most effective program to do that. If the old program were better it would not have been replaced.
Since starting the new PP Program about 2 months ago my weight has been extremely inconsistent- gaining one week, losing the next, then gaining twice as much. Like Debi, I found myself not even including my activity points PRAYING for some change... nada. I love WW and the encouragement that I get from the meetings but I've only got 8 more pounds to go until goal and I've been sitting at this point since December.
What I've decided to do is to go back to the old points program that worked for me 5 years ago. I've kept off nearly all the weight I'd lost. I figure on the new Points Plus Program it would take me 9 months to lose the same amount of weight I'd lost before in 5 months. I went back to WW just to lose 7 lb or so before a vacation. So far I've lost only 3 lbs. My leader gave me a hand out stating that small women who are Life Time or don't have a lot to lose are having trouble losing on this Program so know you're not crazy even the WW Company know there's a problem for some people who don't have a lot to lose. 2ff7e9595c